Sunday, June 30, 2013

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! I have lots of ideas, so who knows where this will go! I hope to use this to share recipes that are awesome, reviews of places we go, pins from Pinterest that my son and I complete, crafts we do--pretty much anything cool we do that I think the world might like to know about.

I'll start by telling you a little about me. I'm a (mostly) SAHM to my 9 year old son, Bug (not his real name! LOL). We live with my mom and our 3 dogs. Mom and I are both former employees of the school system (she was a teacher and I was an assistant), so homeschooling Bug is second nature to both of us!

I love doing crafts, cooking, and I'm trying to be more organized (so you may see some posts about that, too!). I am a huge fan of the show "Supernatural". Bug loves most anything to do with video games (especially Minecraft, Five Nights at Freddy's, Bendy and the Ink Machine, and Plants vs Zombies). He also loves animals.

I hope anyone who stumbles on to this blog has fun reading it, maybe learns something new, and gets some good ideas. See you soon!